Monday, December 8, 2008

bits and peices

mcdonald meat... hmm... well acording to sources it is 100% pure USDA certified beef. but is that before the addins? mcdonalds uses left over parts as in eyes, tail, the leftover meat on the ribs, and ect. also they use aload of chemicals and drugs. Now according to most of the sites on the internet mcdonalds uses drugged up cows or chickens(they "drug them up" with antibiotics.

some more pictures

Friday, December 5, 2008

what's wrong dont like your burger?

MEAT is responsible for 70% of all food-poisoning incidents, with chicken and minced meat (as used in burgers) being the worst offenders. When animals are slaughtered, meat can be contaminated with gut contents, faeces and urine, leading to bacterial infetion. In an attempt to counteract infection in their animals, farmers routinely inject them with doses of antibiotics. These, in addition to growth-promoting hormone drugs and pesticide residues in their feed, build up in the animals' tissues and can furter damage the health of people on a meat-based diet. McDonald's orders their hamburger meat at a ratio of 70% meat and 30% fat. It is actually a combination of imported low grade beef and worm meal.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

the following are some of the opinions of people on the meat."what are you talking about MEAT? it is soy and maybe fillers with a whopping load of caramel coloring and grease!""Technically, it really is beef, but only in the loosest sense of the word. It's actually beef PARTS, (lips, tails, gristle, that kind of thing)""Beef, 50% water, hormones, and MSG. salt and pepper are added after they are done cooking""Meats from about 100 different cows.germs from the people who handled the meat.Hormones and antibiotics"

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


this is wat a mcdonald burger looks like in the ad. notice the meat is not dripping of fatthis is one in real life. notice the melting fat and cheese on the meat
this is wat it should look like. again notice the non fattyness
the ugly disgusting truth. mcdonalds serve burgers like these in many areas around the world this is but one of many thing in japan. now think if the burgers we eat are so bad wat would happen if we ate those once a da, a week, a month, even think if we ate once a year.